VB.Net Label Array
Flippin Project
VB.Net assigns an Index number to each control. Each time a control is added at the design stage, it becomes the 0 control and all other controls are incremented by 1.
In the Flippin project I want the label array to have the index numbers 1 to 36. Start with 3 controls.
Flippin Project
VB.Net assigns an Index number to each control. Each time a control is added at the design stage, it becomes the 0 control and all other controls are incremented by 1.
In the Flippin project I want the label array to have the index numbers 1 to 36. Start with 3 controls.
Then add a label. Make its size 38 * 28, Autosize to False, Font to Arial Bold size 12pt, TextAlign to Center and BackColor to White. Copy this to get 6 labels down by 6 labels across.
Lastly add the title label. This means the labels in the array have the index numbers 1 to 36.
Lastly add the title label. This means the labels in the array have the index numbers 1 to 36.

Select all the number labels then switch to Events by clicking the flash in the properties box. Double click the Click event to start a procedure for all the number labels.
Private Sub Label32_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label9.Click,
Label8.Click, Label7.Click, Label6.Click, Label5.Click, Label4.Click, Label37.Click,
Label36.Click, Label35.Click, Label34.Click, Label33.Click, Label32.Click,
Label31.Click, Label30.Click, Label3.Click, Label29.Click, Label28.Click,
Label27.Click, Label26.Click, Label25.Click, Label24.Click, Label23.Click,
Label22.Click, Label21.Click, Label20.Click, Label19.Click, Label18.Click,
Label17.Click, Label16.Click, Label15.Click, Label14.Click, Label13.Click,
Label12.Click, Label11.Click, Label10.Click, Label1.Click
'The following code shows the Index numbers of the label clicked
'Rem these lines later
CType(sender, Label).Text() = CStr(Controls.IndexOf(CType(sender, Label)))
CType(sender, Label).BackColor = Color.Red
End Sub
In the picture below I have clicked every label to show its index number. The first array label I created had the index number 0 but it is now 36.
Flippin is a brain training game where the labels are flipped to find 2 matching numbers. Double click the New Game button to code randomly arranging the numbers in the Text property of each label. We'll use 2 global variables to keep track of which 2 tiles are flipped.
Dim intFirstTile As Integer
Dim intSecondTile As Integer
Private Sub btnNewGame_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNewGame.Click
'Fill the array labels 1 to 18 with those numbers in the Text property
'and also labels 19 to 36 with the numbers 1 to 18, ie 2 pairs
'In this procedure we use the control item numbers to loop through the labels
'It's confusing that here it's called an item number rather than an index number
For i As Integer = 1 To 18
Me.Controls.Item(i).Text = i
Me.Controls.Item(i + 18).Text = i
'Randomly swap the numbers
Dim intTemp As Integer, intRnd As Integer
For i = 1 To 36
intRnd = Int((36 * Rnd()) + 1)
'Do the swapping
intTemp = Me.Controls.Item(i).Text
Me.Controls.Item(i).Text = Me.Controls.Item(intRnd).Text
Me.Controls.Item(intRnd).Text = intTemp
'Set all the colors to white to hide the numbers
Me.Controls.Item(i).BackColor = Color.White
'Rem this line if you want to see the numbers for now
Me.Controls.Item(i).ForeColor = Color.White
'Initialize pointers
lblAttempts.Text = 0
intFirstTile = 0
intSecondTile = 0
End Sub
The above procedure should be called at start-up. Double click the form.
Private Sub frmFlippin_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
btnNewGame_Click(sender, e)
End Sub
Dim intFirstTile As Integer
Dim intSecondTile As Integer
Private Sub btnNewGame_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNewGame.Click
'Fill the array labels 1 to 18 with those numbers in the Text property
'and also labels 19 to 36 with the numbers 1 to 18, ie 2 pairs
'In this procedure we use the control item numbers to loop through the labels
'It's confusing that here it's called an item number rather than an index number
For i As Integer = 1 To 18
Me.Controls.Item(i).Text = i
Me.Controls.Item(i + 18).Text = i
'Randomly swap the numbers
Dim intTemp As Integer, intRnd As Integer
For i = 1 To 36
intRnd = Int((36 * Rnd()) + 1)
'Do the swapping
intTemp = Me.Controls.Item(i).Text
Me.Controls.Item(i).Text = Me.Controls.Item(intRnd).Text
Me.Controls.Item(intRnd).Text = intTemp
'Set all the colors to white to hide the numbers
Me.Controls.Item(i).BackColor = Color.White
'Rem this line if you want to see the numbers for now
Me.Controls.Item(i).ForeColor = Color.White
'Initialize pointers
lblAttempts.Text = 0
intFirstTile = 0
intSecondTile = 0
End Sub
The above procedure should be called at start-up. Double click the form.
Private Sub frmFlippin_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
btnNewGame_Click(sender, e)
End Sub
Now we'll add code to the label array code from earlier to be able to play the game.
Private Sub Label32_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label9.Click,
Label8.Click, Label7.Click, Label6.Click, Label5.Click, Label4.Click, Label37.Click,
Label36.Click, Label35.Click, Label34.Click, Label33.Click, Label32.Click,
Label31.Click, Label30.Click, Label3.Click, Label29.Click, Label28.Click,
Label27.Click, Label26.Click, Label25.Click, Label24.Click, Label23.Click,
Label22.Click, Label21.Click, Label20.Click, Label19.Click, Label18.Click,
Label17.Click, Label16.Click, Label15.Click, Label14.Click, Label13.Click,
Label12.Click, Label11.Click, Label10.Click, Label1.Click
'Rem these lines
'CType(sender, Label).Text() = CStr(Controls.IndexOf(CType(sender, Label)))
'CType(sender, Label).BackColor = Color.Red
'If the tile clicked is red then exit
If CType(sender, Label).BackColor.Name = "Red" Then Exit Sub
'If the tile clicked displays a number then exit
If CType(sender, Label).ForeColor.Name = "Black" Then Exit Sub
'If 2 numbers are displayed -----
If intSecondTile > 0 Then
If Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).BackColor.Name = "Red" Then
'----- with a red background then erase the numbers on them
Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).Text = ""
Me.Controls.Item(intSecondTile).Text = ""
'----- otherwise hide the numbers by setting the colors to white
Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).ForeColor = Color.White
Me.Controls.Item(intSecondTile).ForeColor = Color.White
End If
'Reset pointers
intFirstTile = 0
intSecondTile = 0
End If
'Show the number on the tile clicked
CType(sender, Label).ForeColor = Color.Black
'If it's the first tile then record the index number and exit
If intFirstTile = 0 Then
intFirstTile = Controls.IndexOf(CType(sender, Label))
Exit Sub
End If
'It's the second tile, so firstly record its index number
intSecondTile = Controls.IndexOf(CType(sender, Label))
'If the numbers on the tiles match, then set the BackColor of both tiles to red
If Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).Text =
Me.Controls.Item(intSecondTile).Text Then
Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).BackColor = Color.Red
Me.Controls.Item(intSecondTile).BackColor = Color.Red
End If
'The 2 numbers will be erased if they are red/solved at the start of the next click of this sub
'They will be hidden again if not red.
'Keep a score
lblAttempts.Text += 1
End Sub
Private Sub Label32_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label9.Click,
Label8.Click, Label7.Click, Label6.Click, Label5.Click, Label4.Click, Label37.Click,
Label36.Click, Label35.Click, Label34.Click, Label33.Click, Label32.Click,
Label31.Click, Label30.Click, Label3.Click, Label29.Click, Label28.Click,
Label27.Click, Label26.Click, Label25.Click, Label24.Click, Label23.Click,
Label22.Click, Label21.Click, Label20.Click, Label19.Click, Label18.Click,
Label17.Click, Label16.Click, Label15.Click, Label14.Click, Label13.Click,
Label12.Click, Label11.Click, Label10.Click, Label1.Click
'Rem these lines
'CType(sender, Label).Text() = CStr(Controls.IndexOf(CType(sender, Label)))
'CType(sender, Label).BackColor = Color.Red
'If the tile clicked is red then exit
If CType(sender, Label).BackColor.Name = "Red" Then Exit Sub
'If the tile clicked displays a number then exit
If CType(sender, Label).ForeColor.Name = "Black" Then Exit Sub
'If 2 numbers are displayed -----
If intSecondTile > 0 Then
If Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).BackColor.Name = "Red" Then
'----- with a red background then erase the numbers on them
Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).Text = ""
Me.Controls.Item(intSecondTile).Text = ""
'----- otherwise hide the numbers by setting the colors to white
Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).ForeColor = Color.White
Me.Controls.Item(intSecondTile).ForeColor = Color.White
End If
'Reset pointers
intFirstTile = 0
intSecondTile = 0
End If
'Show the number on the tile clicked
CType(sender, Label).ForeColor = Color.Black
'If it's the first tile then record the index number and exit
If intFirstTile = 0 Then
intFirstTile = Controls.IndexOf(CType(sender, Label))
Exit Sub
End If
'It's the second tile, so firstly record its index number
intSecondTile = Controls.IndexOf(CType(sender, Label))
'If the numbers on the tiles match, then set the BackColor of both tiles to red
If Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).Text =
Me.Controls.Item(intSecondTile).Text Then
Me.Controls.Item(intFirstTile).BackColor = Color.Red
Me.Controls.Item(intSecondTile).BackColor = Color.Red
End If
'The 2 numbers will be erased if they are red/solved at the start of the next click of this sub
'They will be hidden again if not red.
'Keep a score
lblAttempts.Text += 1
End Sub