Calendar using a Form
This multi use calendar pops up a Form and employs VBA. It can:
To start press ALT-F11 to go to the VBA editor.
From the Insert menu add a UserForm which I've named frmDate in the Properties box.
On the form add 42 Command Buttons 24x24 in size by copying the first button and then pasting the others.
Calendar using a Form
This multi use calendar pops up a Form and employs VBA. It can:
- Show any month (naturally)
- Insert the date on the spreadsheet as a value like 12/11/2018
- Insert the date on the spreadsheet as text such as Sun 12th Nov 2018
- Create a calendar just like Calendar 1 but no formulas
To start press ALT-F11 to go to the VBA editor.
From the Insert menu add a UserForm which I've named frmDate in the Properties box.
On the form add 42 Command Buttons 24x24 in size by copying the first button and then pasting the others.
Double click the form.
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In frmDate.Controls
If TypeName(ctl) = "CommandButton" Then
If Left(ctl.Name, 4) = "Comm" Then
ctl.Caption = Right(ctl.Name, 2)
End If
End If
Next ctl
End Sub
With the cursor in the procedure press F5.
When the form is displayed click the form.
Check that the buttons are arranged as shown.
With the cursor in the procedure click Initialize to start the UserForm_Initialize() procedure.
Cut and paste the above code into the Initialize procedure.
The empty Click procedure can be deleted.
On the Insert menu add a Module and here add this procedure or macro.
Sub showFormDate()
frmDate.Show vbModeless 'allows working on the spreadsheet while the form is displayed
End Sub
On the spreadsheet add a Rectangle: Beveled.
Hold down Alt and it will snap to the cell borders as it's getting dragged.
Right click the rectangle and Assign the above Macro... to the rectangle.
The Calendar should now appear by clicking the Rectangle.
Display Dates
To display this month's dates requires some global variables at the start of the form code so different years, months and days can later be selected. They store the current date.
Dim SetDate As Date
Dim intDay As Integer
Dim intMonth As Integer
Dim intYear As Integer
Each time the calendar is changed we'll call a standalone procedure. It starts with some local variables.
It replaces the code in the Initialize procedure and that procedure will instead call this procedure.
Sub SetAndDisplayCalendar(SetToDate As Date)
Dim lngFirstDay As Long
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim intWeekday As Integer
Dim intDaysThisMonth As Integer
SetDate = SetToDate
intYear = Year(SetToDate)
intMonth = Month(SetToDate)
intDay = Day(SetToDate)
'Find number of first of month
lngFirstDay = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1)
'Calculate how many days in this month
intDaysThisMonth = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth + 1, 1) - lngFirstDay
'Determine day of first of month
intWeekday = Weekday(lngFirstDay, vbMonday)
For intLoop = 1 To 42
With Me.Controls("CommandButton" + Format(intLoop))
'Display dates starting back from first of month to start of week
.Caption = Day(lngFirstDay - intWeekday + intLoop)
.Enabled = True
.Font.Size = 10
.Font.Bold = False
'work out if day is outside of month
If (lngFirstDay - intWeekday + intLoop) < lngFirstDay Or _
lngFirstDay - intWeekday + intLoop >= lngFirstDay + intDaysThisMonth Then
'if so disable it
.Enabled = False
End If
'Highlight the date selected. At first it will be the current date.
If .Caption = intDay And .Enabled = True Then
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Size = 11
End If
End With
Next intLoop
'More to come
End Sub
This is the code the Initialize form event procedure is left with for now.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'More to come
SetAndDisplayCalendar (Date)
End Sub
The DATE function returns the current system date.
Note that I have added Labels for the week days.
Change Dates
To change the month and year add 2 combo boxes. The left is cboMonth and the right is cboYear.
To populate the combo boxes add the following at the beginning of the Initialize procedure.
Dim intLoop As Integer
For intLoop = 1 To 12
cboMonth.AddItem (MonthName(intLoop))
Next intLoop
For intLoop = 1950 To 2050
cboYear.AddItem intLoop
Next intLoop
Double click cboMonth.
Private Sub cboMonth_Change()
SetAndDisplayCalendar (DateSerial(intYear, cboMonth.ListIndex + 1, intDay))
End Sub
For cboYear it's very similar.
Private Sub cboYear_Change()
SetAndDisplayCalendar (DateSerial(cboYear, intMonth, intDay))
End Sub
To keep the date displayed when the form is closed, add the following procedure to the form.
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
Cancel = True
End Sub
Add 2 Option buttons to select the date style to be inserted into a cell on the spreadsheet.
They are named optDateNormal and optDateOrdinal.
At the top of the form code add another global variable.
Dim intOrdinalPosition As Integer
At the top of the SetAndDisplayCalendar procedure add a local variable.
Dim strOrdinal As String
At the end of the procedure add this code.
cboMonth.ListIndex = intMonth - 1
cboYear.ListIndex = intYear - 1950
TextBox1.SetFocus 'move the textbox out of sight
Select Case intDay
Case 1, 21, 31: strOrdinal = "st"
Case 2, 22: strOrdinal = "nd"
Case 3, 23: strOrdinal = "rd"
Case Else: strOrdinal = "th"
End Select
optDateOrdinal.Caption = Format(DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, intDay), "ddd ")
'Record where to superscript the ordinal when the date is inserted on the spreadsheet
intOrdinalPosition = Len(optDateOrdinal.Caption)
optDateOrdinal.Caption = optDateOrdinal.Caption & Format(intDay) & strOrdinal _
& Format(DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, intDay), " mmm yyyy")
optDateNormal.Caption = Format(SetDate, "d mmm yyyy")
The results is this.
To click a date button and change the date of the option buttons requires setting up a button group. On the Insert menu select a Class Module and name it ClassButtonGroup then enter the following.
Public WithEvents ButtonGroup As CommandButton
Private Sub ButtonGroup_Click()
frmDate.DateButtonClick (Me.ButtonGroup.Caption)
End Sub
At the top of the Module declare an array of the ButtonGroup.
Public Buttons() As New ClassButtonGroup
Add the code to populate the ButtonGroup to the showFormDate procedure.
Sub showFormDate()
'Create the 42 Date Button array
'Button clicks are handled in the ClassButtonGroup Class Module
Dim intButtons As Integer
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In frmDate.Controls
If TypeName(ctl) = "CommandButton" Then
If Left(ctl.Name, 7) = "Command" Then
intButtons = intButtons + 1
ReDim Preserve Buttons(1 To intButtons)
Set Buttons(intButtons).ButtonGroup = ctl
End If
End If
Next ctl
frmDate.Show vbModeless
End Sub
To the form code add the procedure to respond to a button click.
Public Sub DateButtonClick(strButtonCaption As String)
SetAndDisplayCalendar(DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, Val(strButtonCaption)))
End Sub
Inserting the Date into a Cell on the Worksheet
Add a CommandButton named cmdInsert.
Double click the button and enter the following code.
Private Sub cmdInsert_Click()
If optDateNormal Then
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "d mmm yyyy"
ActiveCell = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, intDay)
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "General"
ActiveCell = optDateOrdinal.Caption
ActiveCell.Characters(intOrdinalPosition + Len(Str(intDay)), 2).Font.Superscript = True
End If
End Sub
The two different results on the spreadsheet. A1 is a number whilst A2 is text.
Add a button to get back to the date for today, then double click it.
Private Sub cmdToday_Click()
End Sub
Since most of the code is already present I added to print a calendar on the spreadsheet.
For this we need another global variable at the top of the code.
Dim blnCalendar As Boolean
Add a button to print the calendar called cmdCalendar.
Double click the button and enter this code.
Private Sub cmdCalendar_Click()
blnCalendar = True
blnCalendar = False
End Sub
Add the code to the SetAndDisplayCalendar procedure that will only run if blnCalendar is True.
First though, we'll need a couple of variables at the start of the SetAndDisplayCalendar procedure and setting their starting values.
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim intCol As Integer
intRow = 5
intCol = 3
Then the following code is placed inside the loop at the end just before the End With.
If blnCalendar Then
[E2] = cboMonth.Text
[F2] = intYear
If intLoop < 9 Then
Cells(4, intLoop + 1) = Choose(intLoop, "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")
End If
If .Enabled Then
Cells(intRow, intCol) = Day(lngFirstDay - intWeekday + intLoop)
Cells(intRow, intCol) = ""
End If
If intCol = 9 And .Enabled Then
Cells(intRow + 1, 2) = Day(lngFirstDay - intWeekday + intLoop)
Cells(intRow + 1, 2) = ""
End If
intCol = intCol + 1
If intCol = 10 Then
intCol = 3
intRow = intRow + 1
End If
End If
If the week should start on a Monday then delete/hide column B otherwise delete/hide column I.
I have added an Exit button even though it's not totally required.
Private Sub cmdCalendar_Click()
blnCalendar = True
blnCalendar = False
End Sub
Add the code to the SetAndDisplayCalendar procedure that will only run if blnCalendar is True.
First though, we'll need a couple of variables at the start of the SetAndDisplayCalendar procedure and setting their starting values.
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim intCol As Integer
intRow = 5
intCol = 3
Then the following code is placed inside the loop at the end just before the End With.
If blnCalendar Then
[E2] = cboMonth.Text
[F2] = intYear
If intLoop < 9 Then
Cells(4, intLoop + 1) = Choose(intLoop, "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")
End If
If .Enabled Then
Cells(intRow, intCol) = Day(lngFirstDay - intWeekday + intLoop)
Cells(intRow, intCol) = ""
End If
If intCol = 9 And .Enabled Then
Cells(intRow + 1, 2) = Day(lngFirstDay - intWeekday + intLoop)
Cells(intRow + 1, 2) = ""
End If
intCol = intCol + 1
If intCol = 10 Then
intCol = 3
intRow = intRow + 1
End If
End If
If the week should start on a Monday then delete/hide column B otherwise delete/hide column I.
I have added an Exit button even though it's not totally required.
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub
In the top left corner of the form add a SpinButton control.
Private Sub SpinButtonDay_SpinDown()
SetAndDisplayCalendar (SetDate - 1)
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButtonDay_Spinup()
SetAndDisplayCalendar (SetDate + 1)
End Sub
This is useful when moving from/to the first/last day of the next/previous month.
Next to the Month combobox add another SpinButton control.
Private Sub SpinButtonMonth_SpinDown()
SetAndDisplayCalendar (DateSerial(intYear, intMonth - 1, intDay))
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButtonMonth_SpinUp()
SetAndDisplayCalendar (DateSerial(intYear, intMonth + 1, intDay))
End Sub
This helps with moving to the next month especially if crossing into another year.
Similarly I added a SpinButton next to the Year box.
Private Sub SpinButtonYear_SpinDown()
SetAndDisplayCalendar (DateSerial(intYear - 1, intMonth, intDay))
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButtonYear_SpinUp()
SetAndDisplayCalendar (DateSerial(intYear + 1, intMonth, intDay))
End Sub
Here is the full finished calendar.
SetAndDisplayCalendar (DateSerial(intYear - 1, intMonth, intDay))
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButtonYear_SpinUp()
SetAndDisplayCalendar (DateSerial(intYear + 1, intMonth, intDay))
End Sub
Here is the full finished calendar.
Here is the Calendar formatted on the spreadsheet
Sub SundayStart()
' SundayStart Macro
' Start the Calendar on Sunday
Columns("B:B").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Columns("I:I").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End Sub
Sub MondayStart()
' MondayStart Macro
' Start the Calendar on Monday
Columns("B:B").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Columns("I:I").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End Sub