This project will do some basic accounting. Its inspiration is MYOB. My Level 1 version will be much simpler and therefore won't take long to finish. It handles Sales and Purchases for now but later I'll add Inventory and more.
My reason for this project was to learn and teach how to program an MDI application. The advantage with having a parent form is that all its windows close if the parent is minimized.
Let's create the Business is good accounting project. (BIG)
My reason for this project was to learn and teach how to program an MDI application. The advantage with having a parent form is that all its windows close if the parent is minimized.
Let's create the Business is good accounting project. (BIG)
As explained above, this project employs a Multi Document Interface. An MDI has a parent form and child forms that stay within the parent form. The advantage is that all the windows close when the parent is closed although there may be free floating forms, or windows, as well.
I'll start with the parent form. Change the filename to frm BIG Parent. Click on the form and change it's Text to BIG Accounting and set its IsMdiContainer property to true.
Add a MenuStrip. For fun and experimenting I've made it unconventional.
The Buy and Sell menus are for switching windows with Alt + B or S. The other 3 will show the appropriate data. Next add 4 more forms and a Module.
I'll start with the parent form. Change the filename to frm BIG Parent. Click on the form and change it's Text to BIG Accounting and set its IsMdiContainer property to true.
Add a MenuStrip. For fun and experimenting I've made it unconventional.
The Buy and Sell menus are for switching windows with Alt + B or S. The other 3 will show the appropriate data. Next add 4 more forms and a Module.
In the Module declare all the forms and variables for the project.
Module mod_BIG
Public frmBigSales As New frm_BIG_Sales
Public frmBigPurchases As New frm_BIG_Purchases
Public frmShowSales As New frm_Show_Sales
Public frmShowPurchases As New frm_Show_Purchases
Public strFileNameSales As String = "BigFileSales.txt"
Public strFileNamePurchases As String = "BigFilePurchases.txt"
Public strSales() As String 'Array for sales descriptions
Public sngSales() As Single 'Array for sales values
Public sngAllSales As Single 'Value of all sales
Public intSales As Integer 'The number of sales
Public strPurchases() As String 'Array for purchases descriptions
Public sngPurchases() As Single 'Array for purchases values
Public sngAllPurchases As Single 'Value of all purchases
Public intPurchases As Integer 'The number of purchases
End Module
Set the ControlBox to False for all the child forms. This prevents them from being closed. The parent can now ask all the children to assemble.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Size = New Size(810, 500)
Dim strTemp As String
Dim sngTotal As Single
Dim intLength As Integer
frmBigPurchases.MdiParent = Me
frmBigPurchases.Location = New Point(395, 10)
frmBigSales.MdiParent = Me
frmBigSales.Location = New Point(10, 10)
frmShowPurchases.MdiParent = Me
frmShowPurchases.Location = New Point(395, 165)
frmShowSales.MdiParent = Me
frmShowSales.Location = New Point(10, 165)
'More to come
End Sub
We'll now design the child forms. Here is the Sell form. Set the MaxLength property of txtName to 25 characters. Name all the items then copy and paste the items to the Buy form.
Next is the Sales form. It only has a ListBox with its font set to Courier New as I want all characters to be the same width. Name the ListBox lstItems then copy it to the Purchases form.
Module mod_BIG
Public frmBigSales As New frm_BIG_Sales
Public frmBigPurchases As New frm_BIG_Purchases
Public frmShowSales As New frm_Show_Sales
Public frmShowPurchases As New frm_Show_Purchases
Public strFileNameSales As String = "BigFileSales.txt"
Public strFileNamePurchases As String = "BigFilePurchases.txt"
Public strSales() As String 'Array for sales descriptions
Public sngSales() As Single 'Array for sales values
Public sngAllSales As Single 'Value of all sales
Public intSales As Integer 'The number of sales
Public strPurchases() As String 'Array for purchases descriptions
Public sngPurchases() As Single 'Array for purchases values
Public sngAllPurchases As Single 'Value of all purchases
Public intPurchases As Integer 'The number of purchases
End Module
Set the ControlBox to False for all the child forms. This prevents them from being closed. The parent can now ask all the children to assemble.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Size = New Size(810, 500)
Dim strTemp As String
Dim sngTotal As Single
Dim intLength As Integer
frmBigPurchases.MdiParent = Me
frmBigPurchases.Location = New Point(395, 10)
frmBigSales.MdiParent = Me
frmBigSales.Location = New Point(10, 10)
frmShowPurchases.MdiParent = Me
frmShowPurchases.Location = New Point(395, 165)
frmShowSales.MdiParent = Me
frmShowSales.Location = New Point(10, 165)
'More to come
End Sub
We'll now design the child forms. Here is the Sell form. Set the MaxLength property of txtName to 25 characters. Name all the items then copy and paste the items to the Buy form.
Next is the Sales form. It only has a ListBox with its font set to Courier New as I want all characters to be the same width. Name the ListBox lstItems then copy it to the Purchases form.
We are now ready to enter the code to enter some data. Double click the Add button on the Sell form.
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
If txtName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Need a description")
Exit Sub
End If
If Val(txtAmount.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox("Need an amount")
txtAmount.Text = ""
Exit Sub
End If
'Add the item to the array
intSales += 1
ReDim Preserve strSales(intSales)
strSales(intSales) = txtName.Text
ReDim Preserve sngSales(intSales)
sngSales(intSales) = CSng(txtAmount.Text)
'Calculate the text length of the item
Dim intLength As Int16
intLength = txtName.TextLength + sngSales(intSales).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add the item to the ListBox
frmShowSales.lstItems.Items.Add((txtName.Text) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngSales(intSales).ToString("C"))
'Add transaction to total
sngAllSales += sngSales(intSales)
'Show results in the MenuStrip
My.Forms.Form1.SalesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Sales: " _
& sngAllSales.ToString("C")
'Do not change the Balance calculation
My.Forms.Form1.BalanceToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Balance: " _
& (sngAllSales - sngAllPurchases).ToString("C")
txtAmount.Text = ""
txtName.Text = ""
End Sub
Copy the code to the Buy form Add button. Press Ctrl + h and change all Sales to Purchases except for the Balance calculation.
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
If txtName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Need a description")
Exit Sub
End If
If Val(txtAmount.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox("Need an amount")
txtAmount.Text = ""
Exit Sub
End If
'Add the item to the array
intSales += 1
ReDim Preserve strSales(intSales)
strSales(intSales) = txtName.Text
ReDim Preserve sngSales(intSales)
sngSales(intSales) = CSng(txtAmount.Text)
'Calculate the text length of the item
Dim intLength As Int16
intLength = txtName.TextLength + sngSales(intSales).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add the item to the ListBox
frmShowSales.lstItems.Items.Add((txtName.Text) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngSales(intSales).ToString("C"))
'Add transaction to total
sngAllSales += sngSales(intSales)
'Show results in the MenuStrip
My.Forms.Form1.SalesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Sales: " _
& sngAllSales.ToString("C")
'Do not change the Balance calculation
My.Forms.Form1.BalanceToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Balance: " _
& (sngAllSales - sngAllPurchases).ToString("C")
txtAmount.Text = ""
txtName.Text = ""
End Sub
Copy the code to the Buy form Add button. Press Ctrl + h and change all Sales to Purchases except for the Balance calculation.
Here is the code for the first 2 menu items to enable Alt + B or S to activate the particular form.
Private Sub BuyToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BuyToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub SellToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SellToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
When the program finishes it needs to save the data. At the top of the parent code, before the Class statement, add the code for the Input/Output of our files.
Imports System.IO
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
Dim intLoop As Integer
'If there are sales then save them
If intSales > 0 Then
Dim swStreamWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(strFileNameSales)
For intLoop = 1 To intSales
End If
'If there are purchases then save them
If intPurchases > 0 Then
Dim swStreamWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(strFileNamePurchases)
For intLoop = 1 To intPurchases
End If
End Sub
When the program starts of course it should reload the saved data. Add the following to the Form1_Load procedure.
'More to come and this is it
'Copy from here
'Load sales if they exist
If File.Exists(strFileNameSales) Then
Dim srStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(strFileNameSales)
strTemp = srStreamReader.ReadLine
If strTemp = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
intSales += 1
ReDim Preserve strSales(intSales)
strSales(intSales) = strTemp
ReDim Preserve sngSales(intSales)
sngSales(intSales) = CSng(srStreamReader.ReadLine)
'Calculate text length of list items
intLength = strSales(intSales).Length _
+ sngSales(intSales).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add list items to the ListBox
frmShowSales.lstItems.Items.Add(strSales(intSales) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngSales(intSales).ToString("C"))
'Add up all sales
sngAllSales += sngSales(intSales)
'Add transaction to MenuStrip
SalesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Sales: " & sngAllSales.ToString("C")
End If
'Paste here
'Change Sales to Purchases
If File.Exists(strFileNamePurchases) Then
Dim srStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(strFileNamePurchases)
strTemp = srStreamReader.ReadLine
If strTemp = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
intPurchases += 1
ReDim Preserve strPurchases(intPurchases)
strPurchases(intPurchases) = strTemp
ReDim Preserve sngPurchases(intPurchases)
sngPurchases(intPurchases) = CSng(srStreamReader.ReadLine)
'Calculate text length of list items
intLength = strPurchases(intPurchases).Length _
+ sngPurchases(intPurchases).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add list items to the ListBox
frmShowPurchases.lstItems.Items.Add(strPurchases(intPurchases) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngPurchases(intPurchases).ToString("C"))
'Add up all purchases
sngAllPurchases += sngPurchases(intPurchases)
End If
'Add transaction to MenuStrip
PurchasesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Purchases: " &
'No change to this
BalanceToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Balance: " &
(sngAllSales - sngAllPurchases).ToString("C")
End Sub
It may be that you want to be able to handle more than one file. In that case we'd have to change the Save and Load code.
Double click the SaveFileDialog and the OpenFileDialog in the ToolBox. To the MenuStrip add a File Menu with Save and Load sub menus.
I felt in a psychedelic mood with lots of color.
Private Sub BuyToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BuyToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub SellToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SellToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
When the program finishes it needs to save the data. At the top of the parent code, before the Class statement, add the code for the Input/Output of our files.
Imports System.IO
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
Dim intLoop As Integer
'If there are sales then save them
If intSales > 0 Then
Dim swStreamWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(strFileNameSales)
For intLoop = 1 To intSales
End If
'If there are purchases then save them
If intPurchases > 0 Then
Dim swStreamWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(strFileNamePurchases)
For intLoop = 1 To intPurchases
End If
End Sub
When the program starts of course it should reload the saved data. Add the following to the Form1_Load procedure.
'More to come and this is it
'Copy from here
'Load sales if they exist
If File.Exists(strFileNameSales) Then
Dim srStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(strFileNameSales)
strTemp = srStreamReader.ReadLine
If strTemp = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
intSales += 1
ReDim Preserve strSales(intSales)
strSales(intSales) = strTemp
ReDim Preserve sngSales(intSales)
sngSales(intSales) = CSng(srStreamReader.ReadLine)
'Calculate text length of list items
intLength = strSales(intSales).Length _
+ sngSales(intSales).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add list items to the ListBox
frmShowSales.lstItems.Items.Add(strSales(intSales) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngSales(intSales).ToString("C"))
'Add up all sales
sngAllSales += sngSales(intSales)
'Add transaction to MenuStrip
SalesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Sales: " & sngAllSales.ToString("C")
End If
'Paste here
'Change Sales to Purchases
If File.Exists(strFileNamePurchases) Then
Dim srStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(strFileNamePurchases)
strTemp = srStreamReader.ReadLine
If strTemp = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
intPurchases += 1
ReDim Preserve strPurchases(intPurchases)
strPurchases(intPurchases) = strTemp
ReDim Preserve sngPurchases(intPurchases)
sngPurchases(intPurchases) = CSng(srStreamReader.ReadLine)
'Calculate text length of list items
intLength = strPurchases(intPurchases).Length _
+ sngPurchases(intPurchases).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add list items to the ListBox
frmShowPurchases.lstItems.Items.Add(strPurchases(intPurchases) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngPurchases(intPurchases).ToString("C"))
'Add up all purchases
sngAllPurchases += sngPurchases(intPurchases)
End If
'Add transaction to MenuStrip
PurchasesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Purchases: " &
'No change to this
BalanceToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Balance: " &
(sngAllSales - sngAllPurchases).ToString("C")
End Sub
It may be that you want to be able to handle more than one file. In that case we'd have to change the Save and Load code.
Double click the SaveFileDialog and the OpenFileDialog in the ToolBox. To the MenuStrip add a File Menu with Save and Load sub menus.
I felt in a psychedelic mood with lots of color.
We'll now have three files for each database. One is a header file with the .big extension. The second file has a .bigp extension for purchases while the third file has a .bigs extension for sales.
Add two global variables just under the Class statement.
Dim blnOKtoClose As Boolean
Dim blnNotFirstTime As Boolean
The code to save the files is shifted to the Save menu.
Private Sub SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim strFile As String = "BigFile"
blnOKtoClose = False
If MsgBox("Save file?", vbYesNo) = MsgBoxResult.No Then
blnOKtoClose = True
Exit Sub
End If
With SaveFileDialog1
.Title = "Save the file"
.Filter = "BIG Files|*.big"
.FileName = Me.Tag
If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
blnOKtoClose = True
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(.FileName, strFile, False)
Me.Tag = .FileName
'If there are sales then save them
If intSales > 0 Then
Dim swStreamWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(.FileName & "s")
For intLoop = 1 To intSales
End If
End If
'If there are purchases then save them
If intPurchases > 0 Then
Dim swStreamWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(.FileName & "p")
For intLoop = 1 To intPurchases
End If
End With
End Sub
The Form_Closing procedure will call the above procedure. The following is the code that is left.
SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e)
If Not blnOKtoClose Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
To load the file is also moved to another procedure.
Private Sub LoadToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LoadToolStripMenuItem.Click
blnOKtoClose = False
If blnNotFirstTime Then
If MsgBox("Save file?", vbYesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e)
If Not blnOKtoClose Then Exit Sub
End If
End If
Dim strTemp As String
Dim intLength As Integer
With OpenFileDialog1
.Title = "Load a file"
.Filter = "BIG Files|*.big"
.FileName = ""
If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
Me.Tag = .FileName.Substring(.FileName.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
Me.Text = "BIG Accounting - " & Me.Tag
If File.Exists(.FileName & "s") Then
Dim srStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(.FileName & "s")
strTemp = srStreamReader.ReadLine
If strTemp = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
intSales += 1
ReDim Preserve strSales(intSales)
strSales(intSales) = strTemp
ReDim Preserve sngSales(intSales)
sngSales(intSales) = CSng(srStreamReader.ReadLine)
'Calculate length of list items
intLength = strSales(intSales).Length _
+ sngSales(intSales).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add list items
frmShowSales.lstItems.Items.Add(strSales(intSales) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngSales(intSales).ToString("C"))
'Add up all sales
sngAllSales += sngSales(intSales)
SalesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Sales: " & sngAllSales.ToString("C")
End If
'Paste here
'Change Sales to Purchases
If File.Exists(.FileName & "p") Then
Dim srStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(.FileName & "p")
strTemp = srStreamReader.ReadLine
If strTemp = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
intPurchases += 1
ReDim Preserve strPurchases(intPurchases)
strPurchases(intPurchases) = strTemp
ReDim Preserve sngPurchases(intPurchases)
sngPurchases(intPurchases) = CSng(srStreamReader.ReadLine)
'Calculate length of list items
intLength = strPurchases(intPurchases).Length _
+ sngPurchases(intPurchases).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add list items to the ListBox
frmShowPurchases.lstItems.Items.Add(strPurchases(intPurchases) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngPurchases(intPurchases).ToString("C"))
'Add up all purchases
sngAllPurchases += sngPurchases(intPurchases)
End If
PurchasesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Purchases: " &
'No change to this
BalanceToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Balance: " &
(sngAllSales - sngAllPurchases).ToString("C")
End If
End With
End Sub
The Form1_Load is now shortened to this.
'More to come and this is it
LoadToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e)
blnNotFirstTime = True
Exit Sub
Add two global variables just under the Class statement.
Dim blnOKtoClose As Boolean
Dim blnNotFirstTime As Boolean
The code to save the files is shifted to the Save menu.
Private Sub SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim strFile As String = "BigFile"
blnOKtoClose = False
If MsgBox("Save file?", vbYesNo) = MsgBoxResult.No Then
blnOKtoClose = True
Exit Sub
End If
With SaveFileDialog1
.Title = "Save the file"
.Filter = "BIG Files|*.big"
.FileName = Me.Tag
If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
blnOKtoClose = True
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(.FileName, strFile, False)
Me.Tag = .FileName
'If there are sales then save them
If intSales > 0 Then
Dim swStreamWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(.FileName & "s")
For intLoop = 1 To intSales
End If
End If
'If there are purchases then save them
If intPurchases > 0 Then
Dim swStreamWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(.FileName & "p")
For intLoop = 1 To intPurchases
End If
End With
End Sub
The Form_Closing procedure will call the above procedure. The following is the code that is left.
SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e)
If Not blnOKtoClose Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
To load the file is also moved to another procedure.
Private Sub LoadToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LoadToolStripMenuItem.Click
blnOKtoClose = False
If blnNotFirstTime Then
If MsgBox("Save file?", vbYesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e)
If Not blnOKtoClose Then Exit Sub
End If
End If
Dim strTemp As String
Dim intLength As Integer
With OpenFileDialog1
.Title = "Load a file"
.Filter = "BIG Files|*.big"
.FileName = ""
If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
Me.Tag = .FileName.Substring(.FileName.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
Me.Text = "BIG Accounting - " & Me.Tag
If File.Exists(.FileName & "s") Then
Dim srStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(.FileName & "s")
strTemp = srStreamReader.ReadLine
If strTemp = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
intSales += 1
ReDim Preserve strSales(intSales)
strSales(intSales) = strTemp
ReDim Preserve sngSales(intSales)
sngSales(intSales) = CSng(srStreamReader.ReadLine)
'Calculate length of list items
intLength = strSales(intSales).Length _
+ sngSales(intSales).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add list items
frmShowSales.lstItems.Items.Add(strSales(intSales) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngSales(intSales).ToString("C"))
'Add up all sales
sngAllSales += sngSales(intSales)
SalesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Sales: " & sngAllSales.ToString("C")
End If
'Paste here
'Change Sales to Purchases
If File.Exists(.FileName & "p") Then
Dim srStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(.FileName & "p")
strTemp = srStreamReader.ReadLine
If strTemp = Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
intPurchases += 1
ReDim Preserve strPurchases(intPurchases)
strPurchases(intPurchases) = strTemp
ReDim Preserve sngPurchases(intPurchases)
sngPurchases(intPurchases) = CSng(srStreamReader.ReadLine)
'Calculate length of list items
intLength = strPurchases(intPurchases).Length _
+ sngPurchases(intPurchases).ToString("C").Length
'Pad and add list items to the ListBox
frmShowPurchases.lstItems.Items.Add(strPurchases(intPurchases) _
& StrDup(42 - intLength, ".") _
& sngPurchases(intPurchases).ToString("C"))
'Add up all purchases
sngAllPurchases += sngPurchases(intPurchases)
End If
PurchasesToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Total Purchases: " &
'No change to this
BalanceToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Balance: " &
(sngAllSales - sngAllPurchases).ToString("C")
End If
End With
End Sub
The Form1_Load is now shortened to this.
'More to come and this is it
LoadToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e)
blnNotFirstTime = True
Exit Sub